致特朗普的信/Letter to Trump by Manchurian Freedom Lovers/Terumpu de Unggihe Bithe

4 min readFeb 25, 2017
滿洲國,希望與夢想之鄉 | Manchuria, land of hope and dreams

文:满洲爱国者/Manchurian Freedom Lovers/Manju Gurun i Kananit

Never Shall Manchuria Fall


Manju Gurun Gukuhe Akū

To President Trump,


Wesihun Terumpu Purisidente i baru,

Maybe you have never heard about Manchuria, but I think you know and understand such a truth, when people are fighting for freedom and justice, God is with them.


Si maka Manju Gurun be sahakū, damu si ere be toktofi sahangge: niyalma sulfan jurgan i jalin afacame bisirede Abkai Ejen tese i emgi ojoro.

The catastrophe happening 71 years ago destroyed a great country. Since then we lost not only a nation with a scene of unparalleled grandeur, but also chances to show how great East Asian people could be.


東亞赤化 | Communization of East Asia

Nandanju funceme i onggolo i gashan emu ambalinggū gurun be mukiyebuhebi. Tereci šun dekdere ergi Asiya i niyalma ceni absi ambalinggū ome bahanara nashūn be ufarahabi.

Four hundred years ago, our people, Manchurians, were brave and noble nomads. We conquered a vast tract of land of the Asian continent. Meanwhile, after absorbing some trivial and decadent culture from China, like what was propagandized by Confucianism, we also wrongly chose the regime of autocracy. One hundred years ago, we finally recognized the absurdness of abandoning the virtues of knights that our ancestors always observed. Therefore, we returned to the hometown and established Manchukuo. In this process, a global outlook germinated in our cognition and resulted in our general acceptances and appreciations of Western Canons, such as constitutional monarchy, free trade, well-protected property rights. Hence, with a profound consideration for our future, we welcomed freedom-seeking migrants from Eurasia. We founded not only a tasteful and exquisite architecture, but also a strong economic community. As a result, this country with ethnic harmony and economic prosperity once astonished the whole world. Then, unfortunately, we fell down and were captured by Communist China. Nevertheless, we have never given in or given up.


Duin tanggū aniya funceme onggolo be oci julergi aiman i baturu inu ofi, leli onco ba na be dailame dahabuhabi. Salingga dasan be be taxarame aliha bihe. Emu tanggū aniya i onggolo be bahafi jalan jecen de gurun neifi, Wargi Namu i Tob Nomun be alifi (duibulen de, Wang ni Doro, Sulfangga hūdaxarangge, akdungga Ulin Nadan i Toose) sulfan baire labdu gurihe irgen be baktambuhe. Emu Hūwaliyasungge Sunja Uksura i(五族协和) gurun ulhiyen ulhiyeni ilibfi badarambukabi. Amasi be ufara, K’omunismu Sina de oljilabu. Tuttu bicibe, be beye dahabuha akū.

滿洲帝國陸軍騎兵演習 | Manchurian Royal Cavalry Exercise

A nation should have her state and sovereignty. Or its abundant resources will be reaped by thugs. In fact, our people have seen how communists took away our industrial and agricultural sources to support the inner land and endured this brutality for a long time. Moreover, in nature, every freedom-loving nationality does have the intentionality to gain her independence. In the battle pursuing independence and freedom, sacrifices will be unavoidable. However, we deeply realize that the better life of our offspring deserves our struggles.


Giyani yooni Gurun Uksura ini gurun bahaci ombi, sulfan buyere Gurun Uksura ini sulfan be bahaci acambi. Sulfan be temxeme baire afan dain de, tanggū tumen ome urse koro alime becembi. Damu amaga jalan de ele sain banjin bici, meni bucen be saixacuka sembi.

Thus please don’t feel surprised when Manchurians rise up in arms under the banner of national restoration and self-determination bringing unrest to totalitarianism. We will take our courage in both hands in the face of danger until justice prevails. We only earnestly request that, one day in the future, you can declare:“Just fight against enemies with braveness and enthusiasm to show that all of you deserve freedom and an independent state!”

自由的代價 | The Cost of Freedom


Tuttu ofi ume sesulaki, aika Manju Urse Maju Gurun be dasame beye ilibure i turun be tukiyefi ubaxara be yabure de. Jurgan xanggara bime gurun be dasame ilibure onggolo, absi senggilehe bicibe, be nakara kooli akū. Niyarhūn senggi sulfan i fulehe i turgun kai. Tere erinde, si damu emu gisun gisurekini: ”Afa! Suweni senggi de suwei sulfan buyeme beyei gurun bici acambi be yargiyalakini!”

Yours sincerely,


Gingguleme arahangge,

Manchurian Patriots


Manju Gurun i Kananit

9 November 2016


2016 aniya 11 biya 9 de

